Welcome! This is the special Stardate 53000.00 edition of the Star Trek: Relic capmaign especially backdated for the RPoL online campaign... If you are just arriving here, you are considering or have been accepted for a space in the campaign. This version of the game different from the last active version of the game in that it has been back-dated to the end of the Dominion War, and runs concurrently with the events of the original campaign. Said events will sometimes be established as background to the current online version. So, come on in, browse around and get acquainted with the place. Enjoy!

The PCs form the crew of a Danube class runabout assigned to Dyson Base, a research outpost on the inner surface of the Dyson Sphere, located in the Dobhran Sector.

Within the Dyson Sphere, the PC's are cut off from the vast resources of the Federation and Starfleet. They cannot have a platoon of Security NPC's show up at the tap of a Commbadge. They are not completely isolated as in Star Trek: Voyager, but they are in a situation where they must handle things themselves. On the other hand, they do have some support in the form of Dyson Base and the other runabouts. There is a monthly visit from Starfleet, which will allow new PC's to arrive to replace dead, injured or just plain boring characters, and will also allow for technology upgrades, news from home and some interaction with the outside universe.

Dyson Base's mission is to conduct a full survey of the interior of the Dyson Sphere and to make First Contact with any species found inside. They are also tasked to discover any information on the builders of the Sphere and to make First Contact with them if possible.

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This page ©2016 Owen E. Oulton
Star Trek® is a trademark of Paramount Pictures. The above is a synopsis of adventures in a role playing campaign using the Star Trek: The Next Generation Role Playing Game® rules by Last Unicorn Games on